New To Canada Homebuyer Program

The New To Canada Homebuyer Program makes it possible for individuals relocating to Canada to purchase an owner occupied home or condo sooner with as little as 5% down and start building equity, and become economically established in Canada provided you meet the program guidelines.

Financing is available to borrowers with permanent and non-permanent residence status and where there is limited Canadian credit history and where foreign credit bureaus may not be available.

Alternative Sources of Credit

* Must demonstrate timely payments (no arrears) for the past 12 months (from a Canadian source). The two alternative sources required are:

1- Rental payment history confirmed via letter from landlord with supporting bank statements (Letter from landlord indicating the following is required: name of tenant, monthly rent, length of tenancy, payment history) …Plus…

2- Hydro/utilities, telephone, cable, cell phone and auto insurance to be confirmed via letter from service provider or 12 months of billing statements

Acceptable forms of Identification

* One piece of Primary Identification and one piece of Secondary identification, or

* Two pieces of “Primary Identification

* No other form of identification is acceptable. All identification must be original, valid, legible and in good condition.

* Each Borrower, Guarantor and Signing Officer, where applicable, is required to be physically present when you ascertain his or her identity.

Helpful Tips For New To Canada Homebuyer

Here’s a link to compare mortgage rates

Here’s a link to connect with a real estate professional

Here’s a link to explore the homebuyer incentive offer

(For more information about the New To Canada Homebuyer Program, contact Mike Hamdan)

This article is brought to you by Mahmoud Hamdan (aka Mike) Licensed Mortgage Agent level 2. FSRA Lic # M09002218 since 2009. Brokerage: Mortgage Outlet Inc FSRA #12628.

Disclaimer: All offers are subject to lender qualifying criteria and E.&O.E.”